
A note from the office…

Having a great employee culture and work environment can make or break a job. Have you ever been in a position that you love and surrounded by coworkers that speak your language, you can grab lunch together, attend events outside of work and then a shift happens in the culture? I certainly have. It seems as if the change clouds roll in and just rains over all the good vibes that had been established. Environment, coworkers, and work culture are not priority number one for sustaining a career or job position of course but Dallas Therapeutic Services knows the value that exists in having an authentic work culture to thrive.

We gathered for a team dinner (missing a few) with perfectly cooked brisket, smoked turkey, fresh veggies, and potato salad. Sitting and discussing various topics, childhood memories, the woes of adulting, and random spouts of laughter allowed us to feel and solidify one of our company’s greatest hopes. We are choosing to connect and engage in a way that allows us room to feel free, be challenged, learn and grow from each other. I am thoroughly excited for what’s to come with a group of people who believe in the good of others and work hard to nurture it within themselves and those around, and more homemade ice cream!



